Learn to Live
Live to Learn

Year 5 2023 - 2024

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Rowan class Larch class
Rowan class is taught by Miss Carpenter. Larch class is taught by Mr Bell.
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Summer Term


Welcome back! We hope you have all enjoyed your Easter holiday!

We are very excited about starting the new term and we have lots of fun, exciting activities ahead. 

Don't forget to keep an eye on our School X (Twitter) page where we upload photos of some the things we get up to in Year Five. 

Please see the Summer term curriculum letter to see more information about what we will be learning (located at the bottom of this page, under 'Files to Download').

Let's Get Learning! 

To see further details of what we will be covering this term, please click on one of the headings at the top of this page. 

Please also find our curriculum letter in the files section at the bottom of this page.

If you have any queries or need to speak to us directly, please contact us via the class email addresses:




Growth Mindset

In Year 5, we use all of our learning muscles in different ways. We work together, showing one another new learning strategies and support each other every day. We are resilient - never giving up and ensuring that we have tried our very best in every activity. We are resourceful - using resources in and around the classroom to scaffold our learning and support us in lessons. We are reflective - we look back on our achievements and accomplishments. We ask ourselves questions in order to improve. What went well? What did I learn? What do I need to improve on? How can I be even better than what I am already?


Always remember to...


Files to Download

Year 5: Blog items

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Year 5: Gallery items

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