Year 3 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the Year 3 class page!
Spring Term 2025
Here you can find information about all the exciting things we will be learning together in the Autumn term.
Hazel Class: Mrs Caldecott (Mon-Wed)
Mrs Tranter (Thurs-Fri)
Birch Class: Miss Hickman
Spring 2025
English: We are looking forward to focusing on two wonderful texts with the children this term. For the first half term we will be reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. We will be writing our own adventure stories, and a non-chronological report. For the second half term, we will be reading ‘Big Blue Whale’ by Nicola Davies and focusing our poetry skills, letter writing and creating information texts. Alongside this, we have weekly 'Pathways to Read' lessons where we will be reading ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and 'This Morning I Met a Whale' by Michael Morpurgo. These whole class reading sessions are designed to really expand the children's reading skills and develop their comprehension and understanding of the texts they encounter.
Here is the overview of books we will be reading as a stimulus for our English lessons:
Maths: For the beginning of this term, we will be continuing with multiplication and division, focusing on multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, using times tables knowledge and formal written methods. This will be followed by a unit of work on measurements where the children will learn how to measure length in m, cm and mm and compare lengths, solve problems and measure the perimeter of 2D shapes. The final part of the spring term will see the children exploring fractions, mass and capacity.
Don't forget to practise, practise and practise those times tables!
How good are you at your times tables? Click here to find out. Remember to continue to log in to TT Rockstars.
Please find our Spring Curriculum Letter below. This will give you a greater insight into what we are covering this term.
You will need to log in to Google Classroom to access the homework.
Fri |
English Maths |
Set on Google Classroom on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday. |
Fri |
Spelling |
We will set a weekly list on the Google Classroom. These will be tested in school the following Friday.
Every day |
TT Rockstars |
Please try to read as much as you can, each day if possible.
Please log in to TT Rockstars to help to speed up your recall of times tables. |
P.E. days
Birch |
Hazel |
Monday |
Football |
Fitness |
Tuesday |
Fitness |
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Friday |
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Football |