Year 4 Free Choice - Why do people go on Pilgrimage? inc. World view (Spring 1)
Session1 Worldview and why do people go on PILGRIMAGE.
Why do people go on Pilgrimage? What is a world view?
"We have far more in common than that which divides us."
KEY WORDS Pilgrimage; Faith; Religion
Mary Jones - Who was she? Why is she still remembered? What did she do that was so unique? Discover Mary Jones , her story - Bala, her journey A quick view of the area
What does the word Pilgrimage mean to you? Do you think people do 'this' today? Why? Create a mind map!
Do all Religions/Faiths do this act?
How many religions do you think do a Pilgrimage as part of their faith?
Religions with pilgrimages
Generated using AI
Session 2
Questions -
Which religion practices Hajj?
Who was Muhammad?
Why is Hajj so important to this religion?
Video Links -
National Geographic link to Hajj
Live feed to Mecca today
What do you notice?
What can you recall?
Task -
Complete the above questions in your books. Write out the question and answer in full detail before answering the next question.
Together watch the video links and complete the final two questions.
Record in as much detail as possible the name of the area, which religion have you looked at and why do they visit this place of pilgrimage?
Session 3 Rome - Who resides in Rome?
Which main denomination of Christianity travels here on their Pilgrimage though many other Christians do too including other faiths and non-believers.
Some interesting points to why Rome is an important place for many a Christian to visit.
One Pilgrimage journey starts from Canterbury to Rome
The Pope is the Head of the Catholic Church on Earth and the Bishop of Rome.
The Pope oversees the worldwide church and all those within it. St Peter was ordained as the first Pope by Jesus at Caesarea Philippi, and each Pope is a successor of St Peter, who the Catholic Church state was the first Bishop of Rome.
And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it.
— Matthew 16:18

The Pope is seen as the successor to Saint Peter, one of the Christian Church's early leaders and one of the 12 apostles of Jesus.
There have been popes since the early days of the Christian faith.
The Pope is leader of the Catholic Church, the world's largest group of Christians.
His decisions affect over a billion followers around the world.
He's also in charge of the world's smallest country. It's called Vatican City.
The Vatican is so small that it's inside Rome, the capital city of Italy.
Session 4 Why do Christians and other faiths, travel some distance, usually on foot, on their Pilgrimage?
KEY WORDS Belief; Strength, renew
Recall the faiths which we have discovered so far who may go on a journey?
I wonder why do these individuals or groups complete the journey?
Do the journeys have to be long or short? Does it make a difference?
Discuss your reason with your partner.
I wonder if all religions complete a journey?
What is this type of journey called?
Session 5 How is God seen in different faiths?
Sikhism world view
The Sikh worldview centers around the idea of oneness. Sikhs believe that people of all faiths worship one Divine Being who created this world and lives within it. The notion of divine presence leads to the belief that the Divine is equally present in all people, and that, therefore, every human being is equal in the eyes of God. The Sikh worldview is that everything is God, and to hold any other thought is to be in duality and caught in transient illusion. A Sikh should see the world like seeing God everywhere, and even see herself as just another form of God.
Christianity world view
A “worldview” refers to a comprehensive conception of the world from a specific standpoint. A “Christian worldview,” then, is a comprehensive conception of the world from a Christian standpoint. An individual’s worldview is his “big picture,” a harmony of all his beliefs about the world. It is his way of understanding reality. One’s worldview is the basis for making daily decisions and is therefore extremely important.
Every worldview, Christian and non-Christian, deals with at least these three questions:
1) Where did we come from? (and why are we here?)
2) What is wrong with the world?
3) How can we fix it?
The Islamic worldview is based on the following principles:
Belief in Allah (God) and submission to Him.
Recognition of Mohammad as the ultimate and final prophet.
The Qur’an as the Word of Allah.
Interwoven spiritual, moral, and intellectual dimensions.
Inseparability of knowledge and faith.
Belief in a unique, monotheistic, eternal, and all-powerful God.
Bardsey Island - North Wales Pilgrims WayYou may have heard of Greenacres Farm Park near Holywell but why is it called Holywell? Can you guess? Basingwerk Abbey had links to Chester - can you find out more? Who is the lady Saint nearby???
The Abbey is the starting point for many Pilgrims to walk from Holywell to Aberdaron to sail across the sea to Ynys Enlli (Map) Would you do this 130 mile walk? Don't let the milage put you off, can you think why this would and does appeal too many, Christians and non-Christians alike?
Youth Pilgrimage 2018
Tim Feak, under 25s officer reflects on this year’s Youth Pilgrimage:
15 Young People from all around our Diocese walked up mountains, through moor lands and farm land, across cliff tops and along beaches to complete this expedition. Walking on average 10 miles a day through genuinely tough terrain the group supported, encouraged and dug deep within themselves each day.
We stopped daily for prayer and reflections and visited several special Pilgrim Churches. Sadly, the weather was not good enough for us to get to Bardsey Island but the week culminated with a really moving and special Eucharist in Aberdaron.
It is important that we don’t underestimate the achievement of these young people. What they achieved was significant. It was a privilege to watch them grow in Faith, Community and to see the overwhelming sense of self esteem and achievement they felt at the end.
Iona, Scotland - another place of interest for Christians from all around the world to visit, is Iona but why visit such a small island in Scotland? Iona Heritage - A noble Irish prince and a coracle...
How does this compare to Christianity? |
How is God seen in different faiths? |
Why do Muslims go on Pilgrimage? (Hajj) |
What is a spiritual encounter? |
Which denomination of Christianity is the Pope associated to? |
Why do Christians and other faiths, travel some distance, usually on foot, on their Pilgrimage? |
Teachers Notes
What Is a Pilgrimage In Religion? | Islam & Other Religions | Pilgrim
RE Quest Introduction to Pilgrimage
Spiritual Journeys: Discovering the World’s Religious Pilgrimages - Centre of Excellence
Images courtesy of St.Asaph Youth Pilgrimage and Isle of Skye. Image 7 credit Charlie Mackesy