Reception 2024 - 2025
To Reception
Please read our important EYFS documents:
-EYFS Curriculum Statement 'Click Here'
-Reception Curriculum Map 2024-2025 'Click Here'
-Reception Core Skills 2024-2025 'Click Here'
-Reception Timetable 2024/2025 'Click Here'
-Parent Presentation (Reception Starter Evening 2024) 'Click Here'
-Autumn Curriculum Information 2024 Click Here
-Spring Curriculum Information 2025 Click Here
-Reception Baseline Assessment Information for Parents 'Click Here'
Spring Term 2025
Happy New Year!
Your teachers have been busy over the Christmas holidays planning lots of fun activities and are looking forward to sharing these with you over the Spring term.
Please check Tapestry regularly for daily / weekly learning updates, links to fun games / resources and home learning challenges.
New EYFS Reforms: Parent and Carer Information
How can you help 'Learning and Development' at home to support the new EYFS reforms?
Please click the link below.
Spring Topics 2025
Understanding The World / Expressive Arts and Design
Our topics this half term are 'Superheroes', 'Chinese New Year', 'Staying healthy', 'Real life superheroes' and 'Understanding feelings and emotions'.
EYFS Science links with the National Curriculum 'Click Here'.
EYFS Geography links with the National Curriculum 'Click Here'.
EYFS History links with the National Curriculum 'Click Here'.
Music, Dance and drama this half term relates to our 'Superhero and Chinese New Year' topics.
Opportunities for Dance and Drama will also be provided through enhancements of our 'Continuous Provision' allowing children to explore their creativity.
PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development)
Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is one of the three prime areas for learning and development as stated in the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. The three prime areas are important as they form the foundations for all further learning and development.
We strive to create supportive and warm relationships to enable staff to support children with managing their emotions and developing a positive sense of self. Teachers and Teaching Assistants also support EYFS children with setting their own simple goals and encouraging them to have confidence in their own abilities. Children are encouraged to persist when activities are challenging and to develop the patience needed in order to wait for what they want.
Through PSED we teach children to gain an understanding of how to keep their bodies healthy, including healthy eating, and to help support them with managing their personal needs so that they can do this independently over time.
Friendships with other children form another important aspect of PSED. Children are supported with their interactions with their peers and provided with the skills that they need in order to resolve conflicts effectively.
Children learn about themselves and Children take part in weekly PSED sessions. We use a scheme called My Happy Mind which focusing on creating positive well-being. My Happy Mind is taught across five modules: Meet Your Brain, Celebrate, Appreciate, Relate and Engage.
Meet Your Brain Module:
Understanding how your brain works and how to ensure we look after it so that we can manage our emotions and be at our best. Growth mindset is a key part of this too.
Celebrate Module:
Understanding your unique character strengths and learning to celebrate them. This is a fantastic module for building self esteem.
Appreciate Module:
Understanding why gratitude matters and how you can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to wellbeing and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!
Relate Module:
Understanding why positive relationships matter and how to build them. We’re focussed on the building blocks of good relationships and friendships.
Engage Module:
Understanding how to set meaningful goals that matter and how to keep resilient in times of challenge. This module is all about building self esteem and resilience too.
EYFS PSHE links with the National Curriculum 'Click Here'.
Forest School
Forest school is a great way for children to explore and learn about the world around them.
Forest School will take place every Thursday for both Willow and Oak Class linked to our topic work. In addition, we will also have designated Forest School mornings. These dates will be published on Tapestry.
Can all children please wear their school polo shirt and school jumper / cardigan with joggers or leggings (no shorts or skirts due to health and safety). Please ensure your child has a warm coat and a pair of wellies which can be left in school.
Phonics and Reading in EYFS ![IMG_3003[1].JPG](/uploads/542/images/Reception pictures/IMG_3003[1].JPG)
Please click the phonics tab at the top of the page for Little Wandle reosurces and important information regarding phonics.
Reading is at the heart of our Foundation Stage Curriculum. A robust and consistent approach to phonics teaching through a systematic synthetic phonics programme, teaches children how to segment and blend words, recognise tricky words and apply taught skills. This allows them to independently read fully decodable text for most children within Reception. Some children need further support after each teaching session, and we run targeted daily 'keep up' sessions.
This year at Huntington we will be using a phonics resource called Little Wandle to support children's reading development. Phonics lessons will take place daily. The children will take part in three group reading sessions a week.
Reading Focuses:
Read 1: Decoding (Tuesday)
Read 2: Prosody (Wednesday)
Read 3: Comprehension (Thursday)
Parents are informed weekly via Tapestry which GPCs are being covered and tricky words.
Weekly (differentiated) Literacy and Phonics homework challenges are published on Tapestry and resources provided in home learning folders (every Friday).
Alongside our synthetic phonics teaching, EYFS staff develop children's love of reading through reading aloud daily, singing songs, learning rhymes, role play activities, readings dens, puppet shows, reading buddies with Year 6, Ralfy the Rabbit visiting homes, story sacks, secret reader, author visits and small world play.
All children visit the Library once a week to choose books for our class reading areas. All childen will also bring home a reading for pleasure book (every Firday) from our new reading for pleasure literature spine.
Inspire a Love of Reading
Top tips to help your child develop a love of reading.
100 picture books to read before you are 5 years old!
Pathways to Write Key Texts Spring Term:
Spring 1: 'Supertato'.
We will be:
-Describing characters and events
-Building and writing simple sentences
-Making predictions
-Oral segmenting and blending
-Reading and writing CVC / Phase 2 and 3 words / tricky words
-Role-play activities
-Retelling stories
Mathematics Planning Yearly Overview 'Click Here'
Support Early Maths at Home 'Click Here'.
Physical Development
Children will be able to develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of games using a variety of equipment. Children will be given opportunities to work independently and with a partner. They will be learning fundamental skills and taking part in dance sessions.
PE will take place every Monday and Friday. Please can all children wear their school polo shirt and school jumper / cardigan with joggers or leggings. No shorts or skirts due to health and safety reasons. Also, no tights or lace up shoes until your child can do these independently.
Pencil guide to support Writing at Home 'Click Here'.
Phonics (Alphablocks (Meet the Dilemma Drops)
Early Years | Ages 3-5 | 1decision (Information about PSED taught in Reception)
Games we enjoy in Reception:
Songs we enjoy in Reception: