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Religious Education

Welcome to Huntington Community Primary School RE Page

'Religious Education for everyone, learning to engage, value and to respect each other'

Religious Education Subject Statement


Intent (curriculum content and sequencing)

The principal aims of Religious Education at Huntington are to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop an understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society. We want our pupils to know how an understanding of religion enables them to combat prejudice, preparing them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.

Curriculum content
Our RE curriculum is designed to meet the content requirements of the Cheshire West and Chester agreed syllabus, and is outlined in our long-term plan HERE (also available as a download at the bottom of the page).

Children learn about Christianity, Islam and Judaism in Key Stage 1 (Y1/2), and about these same religions plus Hinduism and Sikhism in Key Stage 2 (Y3-6). They are also introduced to Humanism in both Key Stages, as a non-religious world view. 

The progression in skills and attitudes within the curriculum is outlined HERE (and in the download below).

Implementation (teaching, training and assessment) 


RE is taught by our subject specialist, Mrs Harrison-Smith, in Years 3-6, and by class teachers in Years R-2. RE lessons are delivered throughout the year, based on one organising question about a specific religion each half term (connections with the wider Linked Learning curriculum are necessarily limited). A set amount of time is specified in the agreed syllabus for each religion.

Visits and visitors are utilised to bring the RE curriculum to life – ties are particularly strong with the local St Luke’s church – and lessons can include circle time, learning from believers and opportunities to explore ideas through the arts.

In the EYFS, religious ideas are encountered within many areas (e.g. Personal, Social and Emotional Development), and knowledge and understanding of religions develops in tandem with other learning – RE is not taught as a discrete lesson for these children. 

Teacher Training
Our subject lead is an active member of the local RE cluster group and has completed much professional training – the school is also a member of NATRE, the subject association.

Children are monitored by teachers during their RE lessons to ensure progress is being made. At the end of each half-termly unit, teachers make a judgement about pupil attainment and record this to support future progress.


Impact  (outcomes for pupils)

Pupils’ achievement is monitored and reviewed through scrutiny of children’s work and of teachers’ planning. Work in pupils' books demonstrates children’s acquisition of key knowledge and evidences a broad and balanced RE curriculum.

This academic year 2024 - 25

KS1 are taught by their class teacher

KS2 are taught by Mrs N Harrison-Smith

Please feel free to look at our  RE Long Term Plan and any links that inspire you

Baháí   Christianity   Hinduism   Humanism   Islam  Judaism  Sikhism


Year5.jpg Year6.jpg


Katie Freeman, Chair of NATRE : “Understanding people and their unique perspective on the world is a vital skill for us all, especially young people. Good religious education plays a vital role in that, helping create a more cohesive society, ensures young people receive a balanced education, and supports a vibrant economy by preparing employees and future business leaders for the globalised workplace and that includes roles in the media”


Our long-term plan shows which areas are taught in which year group, and our progression document demonstrates the skills covered during each year group which are divided into the specific faiths and non-faiths taught throughout the school.

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