Learn to Live
Live to Learn



‘Forces’ will be our science topic for the first half term.

Our main 'Working Scientifically' objectives include: observing and measuring, setting up tests, interpreting and communicating results, asking questions, and making careful and accurate predictions.

Our main 'Knowledge' objectives are to:

  • explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity
  • describe the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction
  • recognise some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears

Throughout the year, we will be using a practical approach to learning, completing investigations and experiments to answer scientific questions. We will be developing our understanding of the five enquiry types which will help us acquire new knowledge.

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Working Scientifically

Alongside the five scientific enquiries, we will continue to develop our working scientifically skills. These skills help us to understand the processess which make up an enquiry.

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  Scientist of the Term: Stephen Hawking
A cartoon of Professor Stephen Hawking.

Find out more about Stephen Hawking on these websites:


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