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Islam NEW BEGINNINGS Y1/2 - KS1 (Autumn 1B)

Year 1 and 2 will learn about...How do Muslims express New Beginnings? Including How and Why Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) are important to Muslims.

What is your favourite story book?  Activity - Can you draw the front cover of your favourite story?   

What do you think Yasmin's favourite book is?

What is the Holy Book of Islam?  Qur'an   What do you notice about the image?

Wudu - What is this? Let's find out.... Why does Yasmin remember the song?  Why is Wudu important to her and Islam?


Recap Activity - Can you draw the front cover of your favourite story from last session?

Recap - What is the Wudu and what can you share about it?

What do Muslims believe about Creation? How does this compare to the Christian story of Creation?

 This week Yasmin is going to help us to learn about how Muslims view Creation. Remember there are lots of different views about this and we can have our own views whilst respecting the views of others.

What do you appreciate today about the world in which we live?  

Watch this clip - Charlie and Blue ask about Allah and Creation   – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue visit their neighbour Seyed in his garden to find out why Muslims believe they should look after the world.

Discussion time….. Why do you think you should take care of the world? (Yasmin takes care of the world by growing vegetables in her garden which she shares with neighbours; she also gives money to charity and sponsors a penguin at Chester Zoo.) 

What have you created recently? (Yasmin has been learning how to make paper flowers at home and she has also made a den in her room.) 

Can you retell the story of the dog? (Yasmin can help out.) 

How can you show kindness today? (Yasmin is going to paint a picture to post to her neighbour who is elderly and lives by herself.) 

Teachers notes  -  Further reading on Creation from an Islamic view 


How is a baby welcomed into a Muslim family?

Special words are whispered into the right ear of the baby after he or she has been born. This is normally done by the baby’s dad. 

CIRCLE TIME - can you whisper something important into the baby’s ear which you think is the most important thing which the baby should hear first. If these words are important then why not shout them? 

This is a special ceremony called Adhaan / Adhan and these are the special words 

“God is Great; there is no God but Allah. Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer.”


Why do you think that these words are spoken?


Yasmin then explains that the first thing that the baby tastes should be sweet. Can you name something which is sweet?

Yasmin explains that this is normally a date. The parents may chew the date then put some of the juice from it along the baby’s gums. 

Yasmin’s little brother hasn’t been named yet. What ideas do we have for a good name? 

Let's look for some Muslim baby names together. 


What happens at a Muslim wedding?

Yasmin is excited as her Aunty is getting married. Yasmin explains that her Grandma and Granddad helped to pick who her Aunty was going to marry. Though not all Muslims marry this way but Yasmin’s Aunty wanted her parents to find someone that they thought was right. 

You might have some questions you would like to ask Yasmin? Here could be some of the posible answers to your question...

  • The wedding service will take place in a Mosque
  • Her Aunty might wear a white dress or an outfit called Shalwar-Qameez in red and gold.
  • Grooms might be in a traditional outfit or another of their choice
  • Some brides have Mehndi on their hands or feet
  • The bride and groom to not have to be in the same room to marry
  • There is a gift of money from the husband to his wife
  • The ceremony is called the Nikah. It includes reading from the Qur’an, signing the contract and announcing the marriage
  • The celebrations might go on for a few days

Today we are going to imagine you are there, at the wedding, as a guest of Yasmin’s.

Wedding snippets videos

What can you see / smell / touch / taste / hear?

Imagine yourself on the other side of the photograph taking the picture from a different location. What might you see?

Let's take a look at the wedding dress in more detail.

What gift would you buy for Yasmin’s Aunty?

Can you design your own Mehndi design but what are  Mehndi designs?


What are some of the important words for Muslims which express their faith?

Today Yasmin wants to see if you can remember any of the words which are important to her. 

Here are some clues... What is the name of Yasmins' religion?   What is one individual called?   What is the sacred, Holy book which Yasmin reads?    Where would Yasmin go to worship?   In which language does Yasmin say her prayers in?   What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)?    What name does Yasmin use for God?   What is the routine of cleaniness before touching or holding their Holy book?   Can you remember what these words are? It tells Yasmin about what she believes.... That there is one God called Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.    Tricky one...what is the name of the wedding ceremony?


Yasmin wants to explain how some words make her feel too and would like you to see a sentence from the Qur’an.

“He is with you, wherever you are.” (Qur’an 57.4)

These words are all positive but sometimes words can be used to be mean to others and these words hurt. We need to use our words to always make others feel positive. Yasmin tells the class about people being mean to her cousin because of what she wears. 

Listen to the story of The Proudest Blue” by Ibtihaj Muhammad

Yasmin would like to share some photos of Ibtihaj Muhammad. She is an Olympic medallist (2016) fencer who designs modest sports clothes.  Ibtihaj Muhammad is an “Inspiring Person” to Yasmin .  Let's look at some photos of Ibtihaj Muhammad using the files below.

Yasmin might choose to wear a hijab when older like her cousin and her Mum as it is a way to show that she honours her beliefs. 







Allah - why so many names? Let's find out... 

Muhammad (PBUH) - who is this person? What did they do?  Story of Muhammad Abdullah. What is a Prophet?

The Pillars of Faith - How many Pillars of Faith do you think there are? Why do you think these Pillars are important?  Watch and listen

99 Names of Allah - How quickly can you say them? Let's have a go...

The place of worship is called a Mosque......Take a look at Friday prayers    

Let's learn about The First and Fourth Pillars of Faith 

Why is the Fifth Pillar important?   Where do they go?  What else can we learn... Shall we see

Live feed - The Great Mosque Mecca


Wedding snippets videos

Teachers notes on Nikah


Recap work - what are these artefacts?  Islam artefacts

Prophet Muhammad:  Does Allah care for all creatures?   shall we listen to a story

The Night Journey story

Year 1  Islam How do Muslims express new beginnings?


What is the Holy Book of Islam?


What do Muslims believe about Creation? How does this compare to the Christian story of Creation?


What is the Shahadah?


How is a baby welcomed into a Muslim family?


What happens at a Muslim wedding?


What are some of the important words for Muslims which express their faith?


Year 1  Islam How and why are Muhammad and Allah important to Muslims?


What is a Muslim?


Who was Muhammad?


What happened to Muhammad on the Night of Power?


Who is Allah?


How do Muslims describe Allah?


What are some of the 99 names?

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