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Year 5 Sikhism - COMMUNITY & EQUALITY (Spring 1)

Year 5 - Why is community and equality important to Sikhs?

Equality is important to Sikhs - Let's watch and learn why?

Life at the Gudwara - Langar 

What do you notice when you watch the clip above? 

What would you say is the importance of community in Sikhism? How does the gurdwara and langar contribute to this?

Sangat or fellowship is crucial as we often do what others around us are. “It is difficult to pick up a piece of coal without getting your hands dusty” suggests that we should avoid the company of people who are self-centred and spend time with people who are God-centred/Life-centred, whether Sikh or not. The gurdwara provides a framework for this as langar is food that can be eaten by anyone, vegetarian and even Jain (no garlic) and the Guru Granth Sahib is a hymn book containing the writings of six Sikh Gurus and thirty-six others, including Hindus, Muslims and those of no fixed religion. Spiritual seekers of all traditions and none are welcome to gather to join in praise of the 1 and share their experience, thoughts and feelings about the spiritual life.

What do Sikhs believe?

KEY WORDS Belief; All paths lead to God

Mini Task - post it note

Listen to the instruction and create what is being asked of you!

What do Sikhs believe? Start with one belief for the pupils to investigate – all paths lead to God.

Group task to reorder jigsaw words which explain key Sikh beliefs, opportunity for children to discuss how these link to own beliefs.

Repeat the key beliefs to ensure that children are starting to understand them.

1)Which petal would you pick as the most important on the flower allows opportunity to consider what is important in their lives.

2)Remembering a time when a personal belief has led to taking action.

What is Sikhism and what do Sikhs believe? - BBC Bitesize

Pray, Work, Give; these are the three duties that a Sikh must carry out.

What are three facts about Sikhism?

  • There Are Ten Human Gurus in Sikhism.

  • Sikhs Worship in Gurdwaras.

  • In Sikhism, The Sacred Text is Also a Guru.

What do Sikhs believe?

Sikhs believe in one God who guides and protects them. They believe everyone is equal before God. Sikhs believe that your actions are important and you should lead a good life. They believe the way to do this is:

  • Keep God in your heart and mind at all times

  • Live honestly and work hard

  • Treat everyone equally

  • Be generous to those less fortunate than you

  • Serve others

Session 2 Who was Guru Nanak and how did he become a teacher and leader?

KEY WORDS Leadership; Influencing decisions; Equality

Discussion on leadership, learning from a teacher and how a teacher passes knowledge to others. In pairs you will need a whiteboard and a whiteboard pen.

Discussion about what makes a good leader by comparing what you would want to see in the leader, or a community compared to the qualities of friendship.

Picture quiz to recognise people who have and can influence your life. Explore female role models relevant in the lives of pupils today.

Children to decide on a deep-thinking question about the Guru, his life or his teaching which would be useful for a P4C discussion. Omni vote then whole class enquiry.


What is your great idea which you would want to tell the world about to make the world a better place.

Come stand in an elated position on your ‘soap box’.


Guided journey where you become a leader because you have something important to say and people want to learn from you.

Big Question - Who was Guru Nanak?


What is Sikhism and what do Sikhs believe? - BBC Bitesize

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