Year 5 Islam. How is a Muslim way of life expressed at home and in the community? (Autumn 2)
Session 1 - What is the Ummah and how does it link to the Five Pillars?
Ummah means community and refers to the worldwide community of Muslims. It aims to promote the welfare of all within the community. It benefits from the shared language of Arabic, supported by the giving of Zakah, encourages care for one another and encourages Muslims to live the best life that they can which we find out more about in the next session.
Read the interviews with Fizzah and Bilal about how they feel about being members of the Ummah from the Discussion 1 box in pairs.
Look at how the giving of Zakah supports the community by finding out about a Muslim charity different to ones covered in the previous unit.
Read the interviews with Fizzah and Bilal about how they feel about being members of the Ummah.

Sort the cards linking the Ummah to the Five Pillars.
Each group to be able to answer how a particular pillar of Islam contributes to the Ummah.

Look at how the giving of Zakah supports the community by finding out about a Muslim charity different to ones already looked at from last half term.

Session 2 - What is Ibadah? How is ibadah expressed at home and in the community?
Ibadah is an Arabic word meaning ‘service’ translated as ‘worship.’ It means obedience, submission and devotion to God.
QUESTION - What do you think obedience, submission and devotion mean?
How are the Five Pillars an expression of Ibadah (as worship and belief in action).
These affect the life of a Muslim moment by moment, daily, annually and over a lifetime.
DISCUSSION - Recap the Five Pillars and learning from the last half term by thinking which affect - in a moment, daily, annually and in a lifetime.

Look at the five pillar shapes worksheet.
Complete a sentence explaining what each of these pillars would mean in a Muslim’s life.
Write a sentence stem to compare to your own worldview.
Shahadah - I believe….
Salah - Every day I will…
Zakah - Every time I get pocket money I will…
Sawm - Once a year I will…
Hajj - Once in my lifetime I will…
What will be hard about keeping them?
Will any of them make their lives better?
In groups create a Venn diagram showing how Ibadah is shown individually, at home and in the community.
Can they think of other aspects of Ibadah beyond the Five Pillars?
Session 3 How do Muslims show good character (Akhlaq)? What is a Mu’min?
Islam is a way of life, and Muslims aim for good character and manners.
The term Mu’min means believer, someone who submits to the will of Allah and has faith in his heart. A Mu’min is more aware of Allah and strives to develop inner and outer actions. This term is used regularly in the Qur’an. Muslims can find out more about good character by following the teaching of the Qur’an and the Haddith.
Islam encourages its followers to show kindness and compassion to humans and animals.
Discuss the character strengths below by exploring the text.
· Respect for others. The Qur’an instructs to speak to people kindly regardless of background or belief. “You have your way, and I have my Way.” Quran 109:6
· Honesty and Integrity. “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise” (Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 79).
· Patience and Forbearance. “Be patient over what befalls you” (Quran 31:17).
· Humility and modesty. “Whoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will elevate him” (Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Hadith 6264)
Muslims believe that it is their good character which will weigh most heavily in the balance of deeds on the Day of Resurrection.
There are three main types of Akhlaq.
1) Akhlaq with Allah
2) Akhlaq with other people
3) Akhlaq with yourself
Akhlaq is shown through exemplary behaviour with Muslims aiming to live their lives showing the kindness that Muhammad (pbuh) did. Look at the story of Muhammad (pbuh) and the old lady who used to throw rubbish (garbage) at him.
Discuss which values were shown by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and what this story teaches Muslim children today.
Create a piece of writing to discuss how Muslims strive to show good character in their daily lives.
The word Akhlaq is based on that which talks about the disposition of the soul.
Muslims have a personal Jihad with their inner selves to make themselves a better Muslim and to take the right decisions.
A focus on faith in Allah, following the way of Muhammad (pbuh), practicing the Five Pillars and developing good character all help to take the pathway to be a better Muslim.
Session 4 What is Islamophobia?
ACTIVITY - All pupils to stand in a circle.
I am going to describe something about you and you will need to get into a group with people who are in the same situation as yourselves.
Form a group with people who:
are the same gender,
have the same number of siblings,
have the same favourite pet,
have the same colour hair,
are the same position in the family,
support the same football team,
have birthdays in the same month,
have the same favourite food.
End of the activity
were you in groups with the same people for each statement?
Were they surprised at the groups that they ended up in?
Did they have more/less in common with particular people than they had previously thought?
Watch the Newsround clip to explain what Islamophobia is. What is Islamophobia? - CBBC Newsround
NB Islamophobia also includes racist comments be directed towards those perceived to be Muslim.
The rise in Islamophobia has been connected to international politics and specifically to a rising fear of terrorism.
Specific events and – crucially - the political and media reactions to them have created a link in the public mind between Muslims and terrorism and have made many people fearful of Muslim communities.
Look at these examples and discuss whether Islamophobic or not.
· Jeremiah refuses to work with a group of Pakistani boys because he thinks they have nothing in common and won’t be able to work together well.
· Fatima is a Muslim; Leroy doesn’t invite her to his birthday party.
· Aisha has just arrived in her new school after moving to England from Bangladesh. Thomas overhears her talking and tells her to ‘speak proper English.’
· Pupils say that they don’t want to go to a mosque for a school trip because they are frightened of terrorists.
· Sophia asks Imaan why she is wearing a headscarf.
(Examples above from Equaliteach)
DISCUSSION - what you could do if you hear, see or read racist commentary.
Summary talking points. Islamophobia can manifest itself in many different ways – it can be physical attacks towards Muslims, but it can also be little comments or looks or actions that contribute to a climate of hostility towards Muslims. Islamophobia can be embedded within systems and institutions and can affect the way that organisations are run or the voices that are heard. It isn’t always easy to tell if an action is Islamophobic. Islamophobia may contribute in part to some situations, but there may be other factors involved as well.
Prejudice and stereotyping can often lead to discrimination if left unchecked. People have freedom of speech in so far as it doesn’t impinge of other people’s right to live in safety and free from discrimination.
Story which was written for children about the Southport riot (2024) by Zanib Mian who wrote the ‘Planet Omar’ range.
Session 5 What does it mean to be a ‘British Muslim’?
Discuss how a Muslim's belief enhances their day-to-day life, about how they worship, celebrate family events as well as any negative events or racism which they may have faced growing up.
Consider how Muslims choose to dress as an aspect of their cultural identity.
Look at different examples.
Why do many Muslim women wear a headscarf to cover their head and neck?
Find out about Nouhaila Benzina who was the first footballer to wear a hijab in a world cup match.
Describe how Muslim women may show cultural identity?
Session 6 Belief in action.
How does Mo Salah show his belief in his actions?
I wonder why I have... the Liverbirds, World Cup Football with Egypt???

Children to write the knowledge they have already about Salah, explore which are facts, which are certain, which are rumours etc.
Explore why Salah has been in the news.
Salah maybe the catalyst for a cultural shift towards a greater acceptance of Islam and Arabs in British society. (Arab Media Society)
This chanting has brought a huge change in perception about the Muslim faith… It has done so much to break down hatred and fear, showing we are all one nation…. Terror attacks have spread fear about the Muslim faith, but Mo has shown we are not bogeymen. (Mumin Khan, CEO at the Abdullah Quilliam Society Mosque in Liverpool)
Mo Salah doing more to end the clash of civilisations than anyone else in the world. (Karl Sharro)
How do you think these quotes came about?
Have you ever heard any accounts of racism around Football?
Explore some photos of Salah demonstrating his faith on the football field.
If you were to interview Salah about his faith what would be your top three questions?

Discuss the following quote in small group.
“He is the source of happiness for millions of Egyptians.”
What does it mean to be a source of happiness?
Who is a source of happiness in your life?
How can you be a source of happiness for others?
Find out about how Salah supports his home village.
What do you think of Mo Salah as a role model?
How is he showing his beliefs as a Muslim?
Read the interviews with Fizzah and Bilal about how they feel about being members of the Ummah.
What do I already know about Islam? Watch the clip about Sara
Watch the Newsround clip to explain what Islamophobia is.
Free download here.
(Week 2) Ramadan...
As this time is so important for Muslim families we are thinking about it again in this lesson. Work with a partner to collect clues about family life during Ramadan and Eid through the clips below.
Millions of Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr - CBBC Newsround (2 clips on this page.)
How do you think a family would prepare for Ramadan? Can you add any more to your list after watching the clip below?
This is me - Episode 2. How do you prepare for Ramadan ? - YouTube
Consider these purposes of Ramadan, and put them in order: which do they think matter most?
‘I fast to show Allah that I am serious about my religion.’
‘When I am fasting, I remember people who don’t have much to eat, and pray for them.’
‘My main reason for fasting is to develop self-discipline, rather than just give way to my appetites all the time. It is like a training programme.’
‘I fast to get rid of bad habits. It helps me to change the way I behave.’
‘I do the fast because it gives me a chance to be really a part of the Muslim community. It feels like we are all in it together.
Ask pupils to write a ‘recipe’ for living well. What five things do they recommend to people who want to be serious, generous, self-disciplined, caring, close to God and close to their community? Get them to write the recipe as a list of ingredients and a cookery method: ‘Blend two cups of kindness with a pinch of thoughtfulness …’ (Activity from RE Today.)
Introduce children to Eid, why it is celebrated and why happens.
Ask pupils to suggest what this festival teaches about what is important to Muslims (e.g. worshipping Allah, family, belonging to a community, caring for others, remembering and following the example of the Prophet, celebrating the giving of the Qur’an). Use these ideas and place them on a target board – closest to the middle means most important, further out means less important. Explain why they have chosen one idea as the most important (there is no specific correct answer for this, so pupils can explain their own ideas).
Extension. Using face paint instead of henna to create mehndi patterns on the palms of hands using geometric and flower designs. Talk about what impact this has on how people see them, making some connections with Muslim experiences. E.g. Muslims are proud to show that they belong to their religious community, and are happy for people to know it. How do pupils feel about people knowing about their commitments – such as through wearing a scarf for a football team or a t-shirt for a pop band?
Talk about what is most important about any of the pupils’ own celebrations and see if they can make any links or explain any differences between the importance to Muslims and to themselves.
(Week 3)
What is Halal?
When using the term “Halal” in the UK it is normally referring to food which is permissible but can also have a wider meaning about that which is allowed by Islamic Law.
Think back to lessons about food restrictions in Year 3/4, can you remeber what Kosher was? Kosher similarities to Halal. Muslims have strict rules of what they can and cannot eat:
Animals need to be killed in a special way, saying a blessing before the animal is killed. The animal should be slaughtered by hand with a knife so that all the blood could be drained from the dead animal before they can eat the animal.
Muslims cannot consume carcass animals even the animal slaughtered by knife not in its neck called mari' and wajadan.
They may not eat the meat of an animal which eats meat itself, such as dogs, cats, monkeys. This includes pork.
All seafood is halal. Fish that has scales is halal, but animals that live both in the water and on land are not permissible (for example, frogs may not be eaten). There is a debate about shellfish, but most think it is not halal.
They should not drink alcohol or consume other intoxicating substances
Have a look at some street pictures where you can see the Halal symbol.
Question time Haribo sweets... why does it need to be a special kind of Haribo?
Plan a meal with a partner for a Muslim friend.
(Week 4)
How does Muslim family life show their belief in the Qur’an?
‘The family is the cornerstone of society’
Discuss what you think the staement means?
Within Islam, the family is at the heart of the Muslim community. It is also the most important way of ensuring that children grow up as good faithful Muslims. A traditional Muslim family would be an extended family. What does this mean?
Muslims treat the elderly with dignity, caring for them is seen as a blessing and a duty.
There are plenty of opportunities for religious activities at home as well as in the mosque.
Parents are responsible for the religious upbringing of their children. The mother is at the heart of the Muslim family. In a traditional family the mother is responsible for teaching the children about halal and haram in the home while the father is responsible for taking the boys to the mosque.
The beliefs and values of Islam, including the principles of haram (forbidden) and halal (permitted) are learned first in the family. Parents have the responsibility to send their children to the Madrasah, where Muslim children can learn to read the Qur’an in Arabic. Some Muslim parents in the UK may choose to send their children to Muslim schools. Within the mosque, the Imam may offer advice on all matters of marriage and family life.
Financial aid may be given to families from the Zakah fund in times of need.
Children are to respect their parents; a child’s duty to their parents is second only to Allah.
The Qur’an is important throughout a Muslim’s Life, from their birth, to guide through their life journey and at their death.
ACTIVITY - Which or the above do you think come from the Qur’an?
In groups consider what do you think would be three key aspects for a Muslim family. Compare these three with your own lives. How are they similar or different?
Create a Venn diagram comparing a Muslim family with a Non – Muslim / Christian / religion which they are confident with.
DISCUSSION - What can I learn from today to take back to my family? Which of these family values would also be important for me?
How does the life of a Muslim within a family contribute to the concept of Ummah?
How does their family life contribute to the development of their good character through ethics, moral standards and good manners? In Islam this is called Akhlaq. Do you think your family life has contributed or shaped your character?
A number of new terms have been introduced in this session, check understanding at the end of the lesson.
Family Community Responsibility Haram and Halal Madrasah Ummah Akhlaq
(Week 5)
How do modern Muslims follow their faith today?
Revise the terms Ummah and Akhlaq from last week.
ACTIVITY STARTER - walk around the class explaining to each person they meet what is important to them.
RE GROUP - Did anyone say the same thing as you?
Many Muslims identify as a British Muslim and both parts of this identity are important to them for different reasons.
Watch the class clipBBC Two - Belief File, Islam: The Shahadah, What does it mean to be a Muslim?
• Read what four people have said about being a British Muslim. Pick up on the discussion about the headscarf and how this is often discussed in the news around the world. Do the children think it is important to see someone’s face when talking to them? Do you think a jury needs to see the face of someone giving evidence or accused?
BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | British Muslim voices
Why Muslim women choose to wear the veil – Channel 4 News
• So now you have seen lots of viewpoints what is your conclusion? What do you think your clothes say about you? If you could design an outfit to tell the world who you are, what would you include?
This is me - Episode 1. What do you like about being a British Muslim ? - YouTube watch this clip where Muslims are explaining about what they like about being a British Muslim.
DISCUSSION - How can your local community support young Muslims based on what you have heard in this clip?
(Week 6)
How can we tackle Islamophobia? Does the media show Islam in a balanced way?
STARTER ACTIVITY - All to stand in a circle. As the adult, I am going to describe something about you and you need to get into a group with people who are in the same situation as yourselves. For example, form a group with people who: are the same gender, have the same number of siblings, have the same favourite pet, have the same colour hair, are the same position in the family, support the same football team, have birthdays in the same month, have the same favourite food.
Ask the class whether they were in groups with the same people for each statement? Were they surprised at the groups that they ended up in? Did they have more/less in common with particular people than they had previously thought?
Remember this feeling/surprise because it should have highlighted the fact that we all have many different identities and cannot be simply defined.
Watch the Newsround clip to explain what Islamophobia is. What is Islamophobia? - CBBC Newsround
Look at the media story about Amir Khan from the observer 5 February 2006 and discuss how Amir identifies himself with two flags. Do we ever feel close to two organisations? Have we ever had to choose? The rise in Islamophobia has been connected to international politics and specifically to a rising fear of terrorism, which has been linked to the religion of Islam. Specific events, some of which are listed below, and – crucially - the political and media reactions to them have created a link in the public mind between Muslims and terrorism, and have made many people fearful of Muslim communities.
SEPTEMBER 11 2001: terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the national trade centre in New York killing thousands of people. JULY 7 2005: terrorists killed 55 people and injured hundreds more on the London Underground by blowing up bombs that they were carrying in their rucksacks. JUNE 30 2007: terrorists drove a jeep into Glasgow airport, fortunately without causing serious injury to any members of the public.
Watch the islamophobia film and allow children to discuss issues which arise from it.
Response. Finally ask them why do they feel we have had a lesson on Islamophobia?
(Week 7)
How does Mo Salah show his belief in his actions? WHO???
Show the class 3 clues, e g Liverbird, World Cup Football with Egypt in the group.
Explore which are facts, which are certain, which are rumours etc. Explore why Salah has been in the news.
Salah maybe the catalyst for a cultural shift towards a greater acceptance of Islam and Arabs in British society. (Arab Media Society)
This chanting has brought a huge change in perception about the Muslim faith… It has done so much to break down hatred and fear, showing we are all one nation…. Terror attacks have spread fear about the Muslim faith but Mo has shown we are not bogeymen. (Mumin Khan, CEO at the Abdullah Quilliam Society Mosque in Liverpool)
Mo Salah doing more to end the clash of civilisations than anyone else in the world. (Karl Sharro)
How do you think these quotes came about? Show on a belief line whether you agree or disagree with them.
Have you ever heard any accounts of racism around Football?
Explore some photos of Salah demonstrating his faith on the football field.
ACTIVITY - If you were to interview Salah about his faith what would be your top three questions?
Discuss the following quote in small group.
“He is the source of happiness for millions of Egyptians.”
What does it mean to be a source of happiness?
Who is a source of happiness in your life?
How can you be a source of happiness for others?
Find out about how Salah supports his home village. Najrij: The little Egyptian town that raised star Mo Salah - YouTube
What do you think of Mo Salah as a role model? How is he showing his beliefs as a Muslim?
Islam Wedding Amazing weddings
Hajj - The Fifth Pillar a pilgrimage to Mecca
How Islam began in less than ten minutes!
BBC Two - My Life, My Religion, Islam - Clips
Adult discrestion -Show Racism the Red Card - Islamophobia Trailer - YouTube
Layout 1 PDF p14 for Amir Khan article.
Year 5 Islam B How is the Muslim faith expressed through family life? | |
1 | What is Ramadan? |
2 | How is Eid celebrated? |
3 | What is Halal? |
4 | How does Muslim family life show their belief in the Qur’an? |
5 | How do modern Muslims follow their faith today? |
6 | How can we tackle Islamophobia? Does the media show Islam in a balanced way? |