Huntington Community Primary is renowned for high standards in all aspects of school life. Our motto Learn to Live, Live to Learn encapsulates our philosophy towards education - that in teaching children the skills needed for life in the 21st century, we also encourage them to see learning itself as an enjoyable, lifelong journey.
We hope you enjoy the flavour of the school as shown in our Virtual Tours below.
We'd like to extend a huge thanks to the very talented Mr Nott from Lucky Pirate Droneworx
for his amazing work on the video above.
Our school has some of the finest facilities in the Chester area – ranging from adventure playgrounds for both juniors and infants, to football pitches, two libraries, and a large forest school area. Children are able to access practical learning experiences both on-site and via a range of educational visits (with residential experiences offered to all junior year groups). Every child has access to our fully furnished IT suite, and extra-curricular opportunities are extensive, and largely free to parents (including after-school clubs for musical theatre, choir, PE multi-skills and football/cricket). Inter-school sporting competition features throughout the year, and we develop an interest in the wider world through Fair Trade activities and our link with a school in Africa, fostering cultural awareness and encouraging inclusivity. Our aim is to support and empower our children to grow with confidence and independence, and to offer them the best all-round, inclusive education possible. For more information on our school, please visit our Classes and Learning pages, and see our Twitter account. Our admissions policy can be found under the “Parents” section.
Catch up with the latest school news with our (formerly Twitter
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